It takes a lot of hard work and help, to get a brand going and keep it moving forward. Here, in no particular order, is a partial list of the folks who, through effort, skill, kindness or just plain brains, have contributed to the brand known as AFX. Our sincere thanks!

Jim and Mimi – what a team! Directly and indirectly, they made AFX happen and kept it going. ‘Nuff said.

Kaz, Alan and the good people of Tomy USA. It is good to have people believe in a product. It is great to have them act on that belief.

Bruce, KK, Hill and the entire team at the Tomy Engineering offices in China. In quality and follow up they are the best and a big part of the reason AFX is the leader in HO.

Bill and Dave at the Shelby American Museum. I think these guys know more about Shelby than Ole’ Shel himself.

Tom Druckenmiller, builder of the stunning Kastelburg HO track that graced our Home Page, for the kind use of his track and his time.

Laurie, Des, Lisa, Brant and the entire team at Racemasters. How did such a small group do so much?

All of the HO slot car racers who participate on the Slot Car Illustrated, HobbyTalk and other forums and bulletin boards for the candid and enthusiastic information they share with each other and us. We learn every time we go there.

Bob Schleicher for all the sage counsel and help.

John, Lloyd, Mark and the whole design team. They make products that work and look beautiful in the process. No one does it better.

Dave and Kathy at Prepress Pros. Great work and outstanding help and advice.

Many others have contributed and have our deepest thanks and apologies for omitting their names here.

Hello Racers!
Unfortunately, due to bad weather across the United States, estimated ship times given on orders may be inaccurate. Please note that we will get orders processed and shipped out within 1-3 business days, but once it is in the hands of USPS/UPS, it is their responsibility to get your package to you. Please plan accordingly.
- Team AFX